In Accordance with the Contract

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It may also mean that some act in accordance with (or in accordance with) certain rules, policies, contracts, laws or legal obligations. In accordance with Article 12 of Ms Horvath`s employment contract, she is employed for a certain period – 3 years. It is common for people to use “after” when they should be using “in accordance with”. Try to make sure you`re using the right phrase in the right context. “In accordance with the law” is an expression often used in legal writings. Hello! I am from China and I am now studying legal English myself. I still wonder about the difference between “accordingly” and “in agreement with”, although the former seems old-fashioned these days. The reason I ask the question is that “as a result” still exists in some legal texts (e.B. UNESCO working documents), and if they use “accordingly” and “in accordance with” in the same document, I would feel a little confused.

Could you please elaborate a little more on the differences between them? Also, could “in accordance with” in legal language be equated with “in accordance with”? Indeed, it is often not clear where the “after/in accordance with” clause ends and where the main clause begins. Consider the following example: Marina – I think I would usually separate it with a comma – especially in the example you give, but that`s not essential. In contracts, lawyers use this term to impose an obligation on one or all parties to ensure that they comply with the law at all times. Although “according to … ” is often used to mean the same as “in agreement with” or “below”, some people think it has a different meaning, i.e. “continue to” / “as a follow-up to”. Either way, “according to” has become pretty old-fashioned, and you can choose never to use it. At a recent seminar, one of the participants asked me what is the appropriate use in the legal drafting of “after” as opposed to “in accordance with”, especially since the use refers to the German terms “accordingly” and “in accordance with”. This is a rather tricky question, so it`s no surprise that there are a number of (often contradictory!) I thought I`d share what I wrote in response to this participant`s question, as you might also find the information useful: For what it`s worth, most editors seem to agree with me: in accordance with the 990 contracts filed in the SEC`s EDGAR system last week. In short, “in accordance with” is a false English standard. For use in correspondence: If you tell a customer what a clause says (i.e. in simple legal English for “pursuant to” / “under” / “as intended in” / “as specified in”), “after” works, e.B. “According to clause 3, you must … ».

One could also say, “As stated in sentence 3, you must.. or “In accordance with Article 3, you must…” ». However, if “in accordance with” appears in a clause, use “in accordance with” / “in accordance with” / in accordance with” in correspondence (as for “in accordance with” above). Hello Shelia, “According to” can often be changed to “in agreement with” without changing its meaning. Two authors of legal writings I know – Bryan Garner and Paul Rylance – say that “accordingly” should be replaced with “in accordance with” or “pursuant to”. But as I said above, it can have a slightly different meaning – although the difference is so small that it is unlikely to cause a significant change in meaning. “In agreement with” is just another phrase that means the same thing. In accordance with can be used in a sentence in the English language in several ways. What is remarkable about this definition is that the term agreement can mean that you agree with something or that you agree to grant something.

What happens if we have “agree with” at the end of the sentence? Should it still be separated from the rest of the sentence by a comma? Example: “We will continue to provide spiritual and emotional support at the end of life, in accordance with our values and traditions.” Ha! I just came across your blog while looking for a way to explain the difference between “after” and “in accordance with” to my PhD students, also in Poland (Gdańsk). Thank you for the good work and the helpful blog. I`ll be back! Example to say that something has been done in accordance with certain obligations: as an alternative to in agreement with, there are other phrases or synonyms that you can use to mean more or less the same thing. .

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