Agreement without Consideration Is Void When Made

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Agreement Without Consideration is Void When Made: Legal Implications

Agreement without consideration is a fundamental legal principle that is widely recognized in most jurisdictions. The principle states that an agreement, no matter how well-intentioned, is not valid if there is no consideration or exchange of something of value between the parties involved. This means that if one party makes a promise or agreement without receiving anything in return, the agreement is considered to be void when made. In this article, we will explore the legal implications of the principle of agreement without consideration and its impact on contractual agreements.

What is Consideration?

Consideration is a legal term that refers to an exchange of something of value between two parties. In general, consideration is anything that has economic value, including goods, services, money, property, or any other form of legal right. In a contractual agreement, the law requires that both parties exchange consideration to make the agreement valid. Consideration is important because it indicates that both parties have something to gain or lose in the agreement, which is essential for a valid contract.

What Happens when there is No Consideration?

When an agreement is made without consideration, it is considered to be void or unenforceable. This means that neither party can enforce the agreement in court because it is legally invalid. For instance, if an individual promises to make a gift to another person without receiving anything in return, the agreement is not legally enforceable because there is no consideration.

Exceptions to the Rule

There are certain exceptions to the principle of agreement without consideration. For example, contracts made without consideration may be enforceable if they are made under seal, such as a deed or mortgage. Also, certain types of promises, such as charitable donations or promises to pay debts, may be enforceable even though there is no consideration exchanged. However, the majority of contractual agreements require consideration to be legally enforceable.


The principle of agreement without consideration is critical for understanding contractual agreements in the legal system. The exchange of consideration between the parties involved is essential for a valid contract, and agreements made without consideration are considered to be void or unenforceable. In practice, it is essential for individuals and businesses to understand the importance of consideration when making agreements to avoid legal disputes and ensure that their contracts are legally valid.

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